The monthly web site traffic function is generally referred to as information transfer or bandwidth as well, but all of the aforementioned terms refer to the same thing - how much information can be transferred to and from your shared hosting account. The traffic can be produced in two ways, the more visible one being site visits. If somebody visits your web site, their web browser requests and downloads the webpages from the web hosting server and then shows them on their end. The more visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your web hosting account. Due to the fact that this particular feature includes the whole site traffic, not just your website visits, you shouldn't forget that incoming traffic is measured as well. This means that web site content and other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards the account allowance. Your transfer is typically monitored per month and the counter resets on the first day of every month regardless of your actual date of signup.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

Our Linux shared hosting packages are appropriate for any kind of small to medium-sized site and even a larger number of web sites. Considering that you can host various domain names from one account, we've designed the packages in a way so as to supply you with all the attributes you may need. No matter if you run an individual portfolio website or an eCommerce site, the monthly traffic quota that your web site can use won't be an issue. Thus, you will have the option to expand your web presence and acquire lots of new site visitors without worrying about reaching a limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will give you elaborate data related to the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to manage your websites and your account more efficiently. You can check monthly, daily and hourly statistics, the site traffic generated by each domain and by the account altogether, the most downloaded files, etcetera.